


仙台大観音について|Overview of Sendai Daikannon

仙台大観音メージ 仙台大観音は、白衣観音で諸仏を生ずる観音の母ともいわれており、三十三観音の一つに数えられています。右手には私たち の願いを叶えてくれる如意宝珠を持ち、左手の水瓶には萬徳の知恵の水を蓄え、私達に注ぎ知恵を授けてくれます。また、入口の龍の口は開運・昇龍を約束してくれます。
心静かに合掌し、白衣観音ご真言「オン シベイテイ シベイテイ ハンダラ バシニソワカ」と 念誦すれば一切の災難は消滅し、不吉祥は吉祥になるといわれております。

Sendai-Daikannon, the Byakue-Kannon, is said to be the mother of the Kannons, who gives birth to various Buddhas, and is one of the 33 Kannons.
In her right hand, she holds the Nyoi-Hoju that fulfills our wishes, and in her left hand, she holds the water bottle that stores the water of wisdom of all virtues, which she pours it on us and bestows wisdom.
Also, the entrance is a dragon's mouth, which promises good luck and success as the dragon rises vigorously.
The teaching is that if you calmly put your hands on your palms and pray the Shingon(mantra) of the Byakue-Kannon, "On Shibeitei Shibeitei Handara Bashini Sowaka" all misfortunes will disappear, and bad luck will become good luck.
The total length of the Kannon statue is 100 meters in height to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the growing Sendai City Government, and 21 meters below ground in hopes of prosperity in the 21st century.

護摩祈祷|Goma Prayer

Lead the way to heaven with pure bodhisattva mind

「オン シベイテイ シベイテイ ハンダラ バシニソワカ」と
The teaching is that if you calmly put your hands on your palms and pray the Shingon(mantra) of the Byakue Kannon, "On Shibeitei Shibeitei Handara Bashini Sowaka" all misfortunes will disappear, and bad luck will become good luck.



電話受付時間 平日9:00~16:00
