真言宗智山派・新界山 大観密寺
Shingonsyu Chizanha Shinkaisan Daikanmitsuji
真言宗智山派・新界山 大観密寺の概要 Overview of Shingonsyu Chizan-ha Shinkaisan・Daikanmitsu-ji Temple

Daikanmitsu-ji is a branch temple of the Chizan sect of the Shingon Buddhism, whose main temple is Chishaku-in in Higashiyama, Kyoto. It was erected in 1990.
御本尊 Gohonzon(principal image)

The Gohonzon (principal image) of Daikanmitsu-ji is Sendai Tendo Byakue Daikannon.
On her either side are the Vajradhatu Mandala and the Garbhadhatu Mandala.
護摩壇 Gomadan ,an altar for the fire ceremony

Goma prayer is a Shingon esoteric Buddhist practice in which a special altar is set up at the Gohonzon (principal image) and prays to fulfill various wishes by burning firewood called goma-gi, and we are careful to give and receive the wishes of the prayer without incident by practicing Kannon Goma, which is called the Soku-sai method on this mountain.
金剛界曼荼羅 Kongoukai Mandala

On either side of Sendai Tendo Byakue Daikannon, two types of mandalas are displayed.
On the left side is Kongoukai Mandala which was drawn based on the theory of the Vajrasana Sutra, and is a collection of nine mandalas with Dainichi Nyorai as the main deity.
胎蔵界曼荼羅 Taizoukai Mandala

On the left side is Taizoukai Mandala based on Vairocan?bhisambodhi S?tra.
Dainichi Nyorai is depicted in the center, and there are figures of over 400 deities, including Buddha, Bodhisattva, Myo-o, and Heaven, arranged in stages toward the outside.
災難除け 五大尊 Godai-son, Five great deities that ward off misfortune
■五大尊 御影 2,000円

Godai-son are Five great deities, Fudou Myoo, Kuri Sansei Myoo, Gunchari Myoo, Dai-itoku Myoo, and Kongoyasha Myoo, that ward off misfortune.
In this mountain, Godai-son and Tobatsu-Bishamonten are enshrined on either side of the Gohonzon (principal image), and we offer special prayers to receive amulets to ward off theft and disaster.
Image of Godai-son: 2,000 yen
「オン シベイテイ シベイテイ ハンダラ バシニソワカ」と 念誦すれば一切の災難は消滅し、不吉祥は吉祥になる
The teaching is that if you calmly put your hands on your palms and pray the Shingon(mantra) of the Byakue Kannon, "On Shibeitei Shibeitei Handara Bashini Sowaka" all misfortunes will disappear, and bad luck will become good luck.