Goma Prayer: The Secret Laws of Shingon Esoteric Buddhism
Goma Prayer

Ogoma prayer is a Shingon Esoteric Buddhism ritual in which a platform is set up in front of the principal image and a special firewood called goma-gi is burned to pray in order to fulfill various wishes.
We pray that the prayers will be given and received without a hitch by performing Kannon Goma, which is said to be a Sokusai-hou method.

■祈祷料:Prayer fee
特別護摩祈祷 10,000円より:Special Goma prayer from 10,000 yen
縁日護摩祈祷 (毎月18日)5,000円より:Ennichi Goma Prayer (18th of every month) from 5,000 yen
※要予約Reservation required
■お札・御神酒・御供物をお授けいたしますWe accept amulets, sacred sake, and offerings.
■願意The feeling of wishing for something
● 家内安全 ● 身体健全 ● 無病息災 ● 病気平癒 ● 交通安全 ● 厄難消除 ● 商売繁盛 ● 開運成就 ● 心願成就 ● 合格祈願 ●
学業向上 ● 就職成就 ● 社運隆盛 ● 事業繁栄 ● 良縁成就 ● 子宝成就 ● 安産 ● 海上安全● 大漁満足 ● 工事安全 ● 旅行安全
● 家庭円満 ● 五穀豊穣 ● 願解御礼 ● 方災除
●Home safety ● Physical health ● Good health ● Recovery from illness ● Traffic safety ● Elimination of misfortune ● Prosperous business ● Fulfillment of good fortune ● Fulfillment of wishes ● Prayer for success ● Academic improvement ● Employment achievement ● Corporate prosperity ● Business prosperity ● Successful match ● Successful childbirth ● Easy delivery ● Safety at sea ● Satisfaction with large catches ● Construction safety ● Travel safety ● Household harmony ● Abundant harvest ● Settling scores ● Disasters elimination
「オン シベイテイ シベイテイ ハンダラ バシニソワカ」と 念誦すれば一切の災難は消滅し、不吉祥は吉祥になる
The teaching is that if you calmly put your hands on your palms and pray the Shingon(mantra) of the Byakue Kannon, "On Shibeitei Shibeitei Handara Bashini Sowaka" all misfortunes will disappear, and bad luck will become good luck.

毎日通勤や、お出掛けに便利な足となってくれる、お車。やはり怖いのは、ご自分で十分に気を付けていても避けられない事故と思います。 大きな事故を少しでも防ぐため、当山において秘法・車加持を行っております。
お車を新しくお求めの際は、ご来山下さい。 1台 5,000円よりお受け致しております。 (お車のお守り、交通安全祈願ステッカーをお授け致します。)
In order to prevent any serious accidents as much as possible, Daikanmitsuji offers a secret method of car incantation.
Please visit us when you buy a new car. Car Kaji from 5,000 yen per car.
(Grant a car amulet and a traffic safety prayer sticker.) ※Reservation required

■祈祷料 安産祈祷 5,000円より
At Daikanmitsuji, while chanting a special mantra, "Darani" bless the mother and child for good health and safe delivery. In addition, if you bring a maternity belt, we will pray it with you.
After the safe delivery, please come with your child to visit the shrine.
Prayer fee from 5,000 yen for Easy delivery
※Reservation required

■祈祷料 加持祈祷 5,000円より
■地鎮祭 上棟式 30,000円より
At Daikanmitsuji, we pour special water called "Kaji-Kouzui(Incantation-Perfume)" and pleasures of a pious life to the Gohonzon-sama by telling your name and the content of your prayer.
There is another prayer method called Goma prayer (see Goma Prayer section).
Prayer fee: from 5,000 yen
Zitin-sai and Zyoto-shiki(Ground-breaking Ceremony and Ridgepole-raising Ceremony): From 30,000 yenbr> ※ Reservation required

災難除け 五大尊
■五大尊 御影 2,000円
At Daikanmitsuji, the Godaison and the Kabuto-Bishamonten are enshrined in the side of the Gohonzon-sama(main deity), and offer a special prayer and give a talisman to ward off theft and disaster.
The Godaison's Omie(the alter ego available in paper form)for 2000 yen

仙台大観音 七五三詣
As can be seen from her gentle face, she has a strong image as a symbol of "motherhood" as a "mother" among the many Buddha images.
She gives the many children who visit every year, the her's smile full of affection and the feeling of being held in a mother's arms.
We would appreciate it if you could visit with such a gentle meaning.

for 6,000 yen (tax included)
Prayer acceptance period
Early November to late November
Reservations are available. Please call us for more information.

日時 毎月18日 午前11時30分~
場所 大観密寺 本堂(仙台大観音後方)
参加費 無料
It is a day of connection with the Buddha, and it is a day chosen to have a connection with the deity's birth, vision, vow, etc., and rituals and memorial services are held on it.
It is believed that if you visit on this day, you will receive more blessings than usual, and in particular, the first festival of the year is called the first Kannon, and the last festival of the year is called the Osame Kannon.
Ennichi sermon
On the 18th of every month, we talk about Buddhist teachings and the gods and Buddha in an easy-to-understand manner, which are often considered difficult.
Participation is free, so anyone interested in Buddhism is welcome to join and deepen your relationship with Kannon.
Reservations are available. Please call us for more information.