Lead the way to heaven with pure bodhisattva mind
Overview of Sendai Daikannon
1層部分には十二神将や三十三観音、水子観音を祀った水子供養殿があり、3層~ 11層分には108体の仏像が安置されています。
心殿には御心体、お触り布袋様をまつり、展望窓(前、後側にそれぞれ2ヵ所)より、市内、 太平洋が一望に見渡すことが出来ます。
■白亳 眉間にあり、過去・未来・遠方のものを映し出す (直径74cm)
■水瓶 知恵の水をたくわえて人々に注ぎ、知恵を授けてくれる(直径2m・長さ8m 67tの水が入る。)
■宝珠 人々の願いをかなえてくれる(直径3m・重さ34t)
You can enter the inside through an entrance in the shape of a "dragon's mouth (ascending the dragon, gateway to success)". The interior is divided into 12 levels, you can take the elevator up.
On the 1st floor, there is a mass for a miscarried child( memorial service to appease an aborted foetus) Hall, which enshrines the 12 Divine Generals, the 33 Kannons, and Mizuko -Kannon, while the 3rd to 11th floors have 108 Buddha statues.
In the Shin-Den (main hall), the object of worship, Osawari Hotei is enshrined. The windows in the Shin-Den (two on the front and two on the rear) offer a panoramic view of the city of Sendai and the Pacific Ocean.
Sendai-Daikannon faces the front of Sendai Station.
■Byakugou:It is located between the eyebrows of Sendai Daikannon, it reflects things past, future and far away (74 cm in diameter)
■Sibyou: It stores the water of wisdom and pours it on people, giving them wisdom (2m in diameter, 8m in length, and holds 67t of water).
■Hoju(Jewel):It fulfills people's wishes (3m in diameter, 34t in weight)
■Entrance fee is 500 yen (high school students and older)
■Worship time
Weekend and National Holidays :10:00 AM to 3:30 PM (Last entry time)
Weekdays:10:00 AM to 3:00 PM (Last entry time)
Pious act of the Kannon
仙台大観音は、白衣観音で諸仏を生ずる観音の母ともいわれており、三十三観音の一つに数えられています。右手には私たち の願いを叶えてくれる如意宝珠を持ち、左手の水瓶には萬徳の知恵の水を蓄え、私達に注ぎ知恵を授けてくれます。また、入口の龍の口は開運・昇龍を約束してくれます。
心静かに合掌し、白衣観音ご真言「オン シベイテイ シベイテイ ハンダラ バシニソワカ」と 念誦すれば一切の災難は消滅し、不吉祥は吉祥になるといわれております。
In her right hand, she holds the Nyoi-Hoju that fulfills our wishes, and in her left hand, she holds the water bottle that stores the water of wisdom of all virtues, which she pours it on us and bestows wisdom.
Also, the entrance is a dragon's mouth, which promises good luck and success as the dragon rises vigorously.
The teaching is that if you calmly put your hands on your palms and pray the Shingon(mantra) of the Byakue-Kannon, "On Shibeitei Shibeitei Handara Bashini Sowaka" all misfortunes will disappear, and bad luck will become good luck.
The total length of the Kannon statue is 100 meters in height to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the growing Sendai City Government, and 21 meters below ground in hopes of prosperity in the 21st century.
「オン シベイテイ シベイテイ ハンダラ バシニソワカ」と 念誦すれば一切の災難は消滅し、不吉祥は吉祥になる
If you pray "On Shibeitei Shibeitei Handara Bashini Sowaka", all misfortunes will disappear, and bad luck will become good luck.

『おん しべいてい しべいてい はんだら ばしに そわか・・・』と三度通念してお参り下さい。
Nyoi-Hoju, the secret Buddha is a special pearl that grants wealth, fortune, and wisdom according to the will of those who pray to it, and that grants the wishes of many people.
In addition, the pedestal on which the Nyoihoju is enshrined contains a beautiful blue lapis stone that represents the water of wisdom.
How to worship:
In front of the treasure pagoda, with your palms in calmly, and pray three times for the Shingon(mantra)of the Byakue Kannon, "On Shibeitei Shibeitei Handara Bashini Sowaka"

百八胎内仏|Hykuhachi Tainaibutsu
百八胎内仏|Hykuhachi Tainaibutsu

In worldly desires, it is said that there are 10 "Ten" that are currently working, and there are 98 "Zuimin" which are latent and dormant but can arise at any time depending on the conditions.
When you have completely extinguished your 108 worldly desires, that is when you reach the state of being called " Nehan Gedatsu (Enlightenment Nirvana Liberation)".
We hope that you will worship the 108 Buddhas and get rid of your worldly desires one by one while approaching Satori(enlightenment), which is the teaching of the Buddha.

十二神将|Twelve Divine Generals
十二神将|Twelve Divine Generals
十二支それぞれの干支の守護神としても私達を護って下さいます。 自分の生まれ年(干支)の神将に無病息災・開運招福などを御祈願下さい。

It is said that Yakushi Nyorai, who is said to be her alter ego, appeared in response to the twelve great wishes of worldly benefits, such as giving comfort in warding off sickness, warding off misfortune, and satisfying food and clothing.
They also protect us as the guardian deity of each 12 Oriental Zodiac sign.
Please pray to the divine general of your birth year zodiac sign for good health, good fortune, etc.
He is Goho-zenjin, the gods of the heavenly parts, the object of Buddhist faith.
These are the 12 martial arts gods that protect those who believe in Yakushi-Nyorai and the Yakushi Sutra.
Since it is twelve, it is said that it always protects at twelve o'clock and twelve directions.
There is also a belief in the 12 Oriental zodiac signs as guardian deities, each of which is assigned a zodiac sign.
In the 12 Divine Generals, Kubira-daisyou(Pig/Boar), Basara-daisyou(Dog), Kimera-daisyou(Rooster/Cock), Anteira-daisyou(Monkey), Anira-daisyou(Sheep), Santeira-daisyou(Horse), Indara-daisyou(Snake), Haira-daisyou(Dragon), Makora-daisyou(Rabbit/Hare), Shindara-daisyou(Tiger), Syoutora-daisyou(Ox), Bikara -daisyou(Rat)

三十三応化身(おうげしん)が説かれ,六観音,三十三観音などの変化観音や三十三所信仰のもととなる。変化身により、衆生の悩み に応じて済度すると説く。

It teaches that the incarnation to help sentient beings in according to their worries.
It is said that the 33 incarnations described in the sutra preach in the forms of Taishakuten, Bishamonten, Zenjyo, etc., and preach.
In the 33 incarnations, Youryu-kannon, Ryuzu-kannon, Zikyou-kannon, Enkou-kannon, Yuge-kannon, Byakue-kannon, Renga-kannon, Takimi-kannon, Seyaku-kannon, Gyoran-kannon, Tokuou-kannon, Sugetu-kannon, Itiyou-kannon, Syouzu-kannon, Itoku-kannon, Enmei-kannon, Syuhou-kannon, Iwato-kannon, Nouzyo-kannon, Anoku-kannon, Amatai-kannon, Youe-kannon, Ruri-kannon, Taraison-kannon, Kouri-kannon, Rokuzi-kannon, Hihu-kannon, Merouhu-kannon, Gasyo-kannon, Ichinyo-kannon, Fuji-kannon, Ziren,Syasui-kannon.

お触り布袋様|Touch Hotei-sama
お触り布袋様|Touch Hotei-sama

水子供養|Mizuko nursery
水子供養|Mizuko nursery
水子観音とは、この世に生まれるべくして生まれなかった小 さな生命を供養手向ける観音さまです。
Mizuko Kannon is Kannon who offers a memorial service to a small life that could not be born into this world.
We will entrust the spirit of poor miscarried child (aborted foetus), who has not been offered to anyone for a long time, to the bosom of Mizuko Kannon's charity, like a child sleeping in the arms of his mother.