Once you make a wish to hold a memorial service, there are boundless merits
Mass for a miscarried child( memorial service to appease an aborted foetus)
水子観音とは、この世に生まれるべくして生まれなかった小 さな生命を供養手向ける観音さまです。

No one can ignore the unfortunate events of the past.
Mizuko Kannon is Kannon who offers a memorial service to a small life that could not be born into this world.
We will entrust the spirit of poor miscarried child (aborted foetus), who has not been offered to anyone for a long time, to the bosom of Mizuko Kannon's charity, like a child sleeping in the arms of his mother.
●供養は毎日随時個別に行いますが、僧侶不在の場合もありますので、前もってご予約願います。 (℡022-278-3331)
水子永代供養・・・30,000円 ○永代供養の水子観音像は当寺でお預かりいたします
水子供養・・・15,000円 ●水子観音像をご自宅にてお祀り頂きます
○水子供養を申し込み頂いた方の水子観音の授与は、 来山授与、郵送授与(送り主明記)、郵送授与(送り主無し) をお選び頂けます。
●Offerings are held individually every day, at any time, but there are cases where the monks are absent. Please make a reservation in advance. (Phone number 022-278-3331)
■Statue of Mizuko Kannon kept at the perpetual memorial service
A miscarried child (aborted foetus) perpetual memorial service: 30,000 yen
-The Mizuko Kannon statue of the perpetual memorial will be kept at this temple.
Mass for a miscarried child( memorial service to appease an aborted foetus): 15,000 yen
-Enshrine the statue of Mizuko Kannon at home
-Those who have applied for miscarried child (aborted foetus) care can choose to award Mizuko Kannon by visiting the mountain, giving by mail (sender specified), or giving by mail (without sender).
memorial service

Let's thank our ancestors and offer their tribute.
Once the will of the memorial service is raised, the main statue of this mountain, Tendo White Robe Daikannon, will listen to the memorial service and it is said that there is inexhaustible merit.
Let's pray for the spirit of our ancestors and immediate relatives, who are the source of their birth and nurturing of us, and pray for the repose of their souls, as well as prayers for "family safety" and "physical health".
Every morning on this mountain, all the monks chant the names and names of your ancestors and relatives during the service, and pray for the "safety of the family and the fulfillment of the heart" of the client.
日 牌 (1回のご供養) 1,000円
月 牌 (1ヶ月間のご供養) 5,000円
年 牌 (1ヶ年間のご供養) 30,000円
永代経 (三十三回忌までのご供養) 500,000円
1 time memorial service:1,000 yen
1 month memorial service:5,000 yen
1 year memorial service:30,000 yen
Perpetual sutra (33rd memorial service):500,000 yen
Those who apply for monthly and annual tiles will receive a memorial certificate by mail after the memorial service.
memorial service

All funerals are available.
Recusal 1, 3, 7, 13, 23, 25, 33, 50, 70, 100 times.
Other: Ossuary memorial service, grave-front memorial service, eye-opening service (tablets, tombstone, Buddhist altar), core removal service